Monday, December 6, 2010

Tabletennis For Tuplets by Joanne Okano

 This is a sequel to The Moose Story.

     To the Haras.

     "I hate it when there are flies in the bathroom, roosting on me while I'm bathing!"  cried the very pregnant Mrs. McLelland from behind the bathroom door.  "Shoo!"  she flailed wildly.  She was kind, but she'd had it with the flies.  She let them out the window.
     "The moose is outside the window, children!"  she called out to them.
     They ran to see it at the living room window.  "Aah," they said, when they saw the moose calf and its mother.  They were pondering the morning.  High time for a snack.
     The children all went to highland dance lessons and table tennis in this story.
     They had found that they didn't get enough social interaction with just homeschooling, church, and highland dancing, so they had joined a table tennis group as they had heard that this was a good way to meet nice people.  Boy, they had fun!  Round and round they went playing tournaments and making friends.  Mummy had to do a lot of driving though, but they had overcome their fear of the moose family.  They were friends, although they still kept their distance.
     Their teacher came round to help them with their schoolwork and they were just happy as sandboys about the way things were.  Their knowledge of Canadian history had grown and they knew just as much about Confederation as the next person.  Things were going along swimmingly in their other subjects and they had many friends in their highland dance classes and primary (church) classes.  Things couldn't be better.
      Mummy had a new baby coming and the children said it was tuplets, funnily.  But only one baby came out.  The baby's name was Hamish.  It was doing well and so was Mummy.
     They were very thankful and went to church and had the baby blessed.  ~
     The next few days they went out on a jaunt to a table tennis tourney, except things didn't turn out quite as expected.  They got lost.  There were beavers and bears.
     "Oh, Mummy," said the children.  "Take us home!"
     "I don't know where home is," said Mummy.  The baby was crying.  "The baby is hungry," she said and stopped to feed the baby.
     Fortunately they had enough supplies with them to last the trip.  Home was a long way away.
They were frightened. They were scared.  They were terrified.  What if a bear came for them?  What would they do?  They stayed in the jeep, sleeping in upright postitions, but it was very uncomfortable.
Soon they came to a town, an unknown town, but a town nevertheless.  They asked the way, and the man said over there was the best way to get out.  Over where?  Over that truck crossing.  So they went over the truck crossing and continued their journey. 
     "Phew!  Relief," said Mother to herself.  And that was all they had to worry about.  The rest of the trip went smoothly.  They won the tourney.  The baby cried less than usual, because Mummy was holding it all the time.  It was a nice day out for the baby, too, this way. 
      Mummy and Daddy held hands a lot when they reached home and Daddy heard about the waif and stray he had almost been without wife and little ones if they had got lost for longer.  How happy he was they were home!
The End


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