Thursday, April 14, 2011

Three Children's Books

     When I was a little girl, one of the places we lived was in England next to riding stables.  I remember my first volunteer job was at age seven, mucking out the stables and grooming the horses.  A horse book I will always love is The Golden Pony by Delphine Ratcliff.

     The neighbour children from another house nearby played with my sister and me in an untamed part of the garden where we pretended to live.  I think that is why I also enjoyed the book Adventure Acre by Joan Harland about four children and their untamed playground.

     In The Railway Children by E. Nesbit, three children and their mother go to live in the English countryside by the railway in its early days while mother writes for a living.  Something Has Happened To Father but Mother won't tell them what it is and makes them promise to be good and not ask.  There is a happy ending and it's well worth the read.  Bye!

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry, as well as the White Stallion of Lipizzia. That was fun!
