Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Mr. Crumhorn's Dilemma (And How He Dreamed) - Part One

     Mr. Crumhorn was a refugee.  He had come to a new country after a stay in a refugee camp, and he had nothing but hope.  He had no family and no furniture.  For years he was in stunned shock at what had happened to him, but he dreamed.  He dreamed of having a family and of everything being alright again.  He couldn't speak the language but he patiently learned.
     Someone gave him a flower and he put it in a vase and admired it.
     "Very nice," he thought, smiling to himself for the very first time in a long while, and decided to grow plants.  He grew raspberries and blueberries and strawberries, since his mother had taught him how to make jam.  He got a job working on a berry farm because he was so good at this.
     He gave some of his homemade jam away to people he met at his language classes and they gave produce to him from their gardens.
    "Very nice," he said, "I like this way of living."  And he realized he was having a nice time.
     Soon he met a widow who had four children.  Their family came from the same country he did.  They were so happy to meet him because they had been praying for a husband and father.  He was glad to make their acquaintance and soon invited them over for supper.


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