Thursday, April 19, 2012

"The Hunger Games" Book Review

     The Hunger Games is about AIDS as far as I can see, and how people nowadays who are in love or not are a danger to each other if they are not clean.  The plot of the book is harrowing, so it seems to be written for older readers, for teens.
     There is a heroine, Katniss, who loves her younger sister, Prim, and risks her life to save her sister's.  I think this is symbolic of saving a younger sibling's life by being a good example.
     The hero, Peeta the baker boy, shows his kindness early on in the book by saving Katniss and her family from starvation by giving her two loaves of burnt bread. 
     A lesser theme of the book is, fashions change and they're not always the good ones, shown by the stylists in the book.
     The writer is very good at creating suspense.
     The AIDS symbolism in the book would explain why Peeta who is in love with Katniss, at first seems a threat to her safety.  The meaning of this book is, please be kind, children, and don't give each other AIDS.

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