Monday, October 29, 2012

The Little Boy's Dream

     One day a little boy named Terry and his mother were walking down a country lane in England.  They stopped to pick up a pebble.  Terry especially liked pebbles and was making a rock wall in his yard for his toy farm.  He had sheep and goats of clay and a farmer and a tractor and a farm house.  His dream was to become a farmer when he grew up.  He just had to build a barn out of clay and a hen house and a few other things and his farm would be ready.  They baked the clay in the kiln his mother had built.  She had learned how to build a kiln in school when the teacher did an outdoor demonstration and had kept her notes through the years and produced one for Terry.
      When the house was sold, the toy farm was sold with it and another little child played with the farm.  Terry was a farmer by then!  Wasn't that nice?

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