Saturday, March 19, 2011

Songwords Of Birds And Planes, Trulli and The Bible

     Coming soon to the black beret blog is a video of me reading my children's story entitled Songwords Of Birds And Planes.  It should be up in a few days!

     From time to time, my Dad comes up with new words to add to my vocabulary.  One of his latest is a word from the world of  Italian architecture:  singular trullo, plural trulli.

     The Bible is a good book to read.  And here is a video, by me, about a man who put his Bible away for a long time.  It's a puppet show.

     Have a lovely day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey good job embedding the video! I think I overestimated the size option I told you to use though, so maybe next time, select the box that says 640x390 on top of it instead? It looks like you're having lots of fun!
