Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jesus' "Parable Of The Talents"

     When Jesus Christ was on the earth, he often taught through stories known as parables.  One of these parables was the Parable Of The Talents.
     He said that the kingdom of heaven is like a man travelling abroad who called his servants and gave them each talents.  To one servant, he gave five talents, to another servant, two talents, and to another servant, one talent, according to their abilities; and he left on his journey.
     The servant to whom he had given five talents traded his talents for an additional five more.
     The servant to whom he had given two talents gained two additional talents.
     But the servant to whom he had given one talent hid his talent in the ground.
     When the man returned from his journey, he called his servants together to ask what they had done with their talents.
     The first servant told him how he had given him five talents and he had gained five more talents.  His lord said he was pleased with him for being so faithful and invited him to enter into his joy.
     The second servant told his lord how he had given him two talents and he had gained two more.
His lord was also pleased with him for being so faithful and invited him also to enter into his joy.
     The third servant admitted he was afraid and had hidden his talent.  He brought his one talent to the lord.  His lord was displeased.  He took away his one talent and gave it to the servant who had ten talents.
     If you want to read this story in its original form, you can read it in the Bible.
     I learned from this story that I must develop my talents to be pleasing to God.  So I decided to write children's stories on a blog, when I was unable to find a full-time job.

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