Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Waiting Room In A Station by me

I painted this after sitting at the Waterfront Station for an hour or two of my life.  Seated on the left is a perky poodle with her owner.  "I'm a typist" says her owner in a thought bubble over her head.  Above her you see two gentlemen passing by the window, one in raingear ("Rain, rain, always rain" he says to himself) and the other a sea captain ("My ship is in" is his quip).  Standing at the doorway with a cap full of money, small coins mind you, is a fiddler and his fiddle with a dancing girl standing next door.  ("Dance, little children, dance" thinks the fiddler, and the girl's thoughts are "I'll dance and you play - Righty Ho").  Sitting down on a bench for passengers next to them is a workman, auto mechanic by trade (his thought quip is "I'm going to fix a car") and lastly but not least is President Monson ("I'm looking forward to General Conference where I'll be a speaker" he says in his thoughts).

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