Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sophie Has A Brainwave - 2

     Now for those of you who are wondering why a Swedish word suddenly popped into my head, I was raised with a number of different languages, so one might appear suddenly in the text.  I will try not to let it occurre, I mean happen, too often so you will not get confused and I will always explain it so you will understand.  Now where was I...oh, yes, nineteen children and Mother Adams and a newborn foundling were all going to ride on a buggy.  How could that happen you ask?  How could any buggy be big enough?  It was a double-decker buggy, like those double-decker buses in London, England.  It was even red.
     So there was room for the foundling on the buggy and off they went, around the corner of the driveway where hundreds of gypsies greeted them, dancing and singing and with various musical instruments playing.  Sophie laughed because she was having so much fun. 
      They rounded the next corner and people on rooftops stopped what they were doing to come and play for them.  These were different people than the gypsies, and they were wonderful too.
     What a day we're having, said Sophie.
      They rode for a while, until the horses were hungry and thirsty and tired and then they stopped at an inn to feed and give the horses some rest.
     Inside the inn, two crooks took their money and so Mother Adams had no money to pay for their stay.  With nineteen children to feed, that was quite a burden and so they prayed to God to help them.
To Be Continued

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