Monday, August 13, 2012

Girl In A Birdcage

     Once upon a time, there was a girl from Lithuania who came across on the boat to Canada.  She was full of hope for the future.  One of her hopes was that she would make a living, and another hope was that she would marry and have children.  (Another hope was that she would go to heaven, and we will get to that later.)
      She sang in concerts at colleges, songs she had written herself and enjoyed some popularity.  She met a man called Stonehead who liked her and she thought perhaps he was her man.  He certainly phoned her often enough.  He took her out on a date and another and another.  She made him casseroles to put in his freezer for when he was sick, as he didn't like to cook a lot and really didn't like to cook when he was under the weather.  He took her skiing and hiking as they both loved the outdoors, and they had many an apres-ski party with fondue, just like his mother had when she came to Canada.  The girl took him to see her Ma and Pa and they got married.
      He put her in a giant birdcage for safekeeping and went away on a business trip.  After a while her nuts and seeds ran out and she had nothing to eat but moths which flew into her cage.  She sang and kept herself amused for a while and he came home and gave her more nuts and seeds.
      She said, "This is the pits.  I wonder what I can do to get out of here."
      So you see children,  just because a relationship has a good beginning before marriage, doesn't necessarily mean that the marriage will go well once you're in it, so the best thing to do is pray before you get married to know if this person is the right one for you!  It would be happier if you did it that way anyway.
                                                                                   More later

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