Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Boy Who Fell Through The Floorboards by J.M.Okano

     There was once a family of unkind people.  But the sun rises on the good and on the evil and they were blessed with a son.  The son was born innocent as all babies and grew up wise.  He decided to be kind to everyone, and not to be unkind.  One day he had to make a choice, so the Lord gave him a dream to help him make a wise choice.  The boy had to choose between good and evil, between being a wise man and being a dancer and between becoming tough and very mean and getting what his parents thought was a job he should have to please them.  They wanted him to help them with their work.
     In the dream, he saw his foot fall through a hole in the floorboards of his palace.
     "What does this mean?"  he pleaded in prayer, that morning.
     The answer came.  If he would choose the good course, his life would not go well for several years, even though he was doing what was right, and that evil forces would combine against him to get him down and try to make him give up, but that he must not give up.  However, things would turn out well when he had been tested.
      He took note of the dream, and carried on reaching for the stars and studied dance with wonderful teachers who gave him a good life.  He was very happy and enjoyed every day.  He worked hard and made progress.  He also had many happy memories of this period.  These were idyllic days on earth for him.
     But big tests came and people were unkind to him.  His dance career came to an end because he was too old.  Things didn't work out for him.  Through it all, he was always kind and made many friends with others who were placed in his path.
     He was not kind to himself though, and that was his downfall.  He forgot about that part.  That's important too.  So children, what do we learn from this?  Please let me tell the story.  His name meant "Withered One" but soon his name changed to "Patient One" because he bore his trials well, don't you think?  He got up one morning and decided to stand up for himself.  He decided to have his breakfast cereal with milk so he went and milked the cow, you think, but no, there was no cow, so he got the milk out of the refridgerator, you think, but yes that is where he got it from, don't you think?  Yes, but there was very little left.
     "I'll just go to the store and get some more."
     But then he remembered he had left his wallet at a friend's house and went to get it.
     On his way there a man approached him and asked him for money.
     Patient One gave the man his hat and told him he could sell that and get money from it, since Patient One didn't have any money on him.
     "If only I could give you some money, "  said Patient One.
     "Well, I'll take the hat," said the man and thanked him.  The man sold the hat and received some money and all went well for him that day.
     Now, back to Patient One, he found his wallet and full of money it wasn't.  You see he was a poor man, and couldn't stand on his own two feet anymore as he was trained to dance and didn't know what else to do.
     "I will teach dance," he said.
     He bought milk and ate his breakfast modestly.
     Now the man who bought the hat wanted to know where the hat came from, because it was much to his liking, with orange pompoms and green brocade.  Very fashionable.
      Along came Patient One in his orange pompom outfit with big green brocade shoes, minus the hat, of course.
     "Ahah, just the man I need to speak to,"  said the man with the hat.  "Is this your hat?"  he asked.
     Patient One replied, "It was."
     "What do you do for work?" asked the new owner of the brightly coloured hat.
    "I want to teach dance, but I need some students,"  replied Patient One.
     "Well, teach me, please," said the man and he did.
     Soon Patient One had a whole troupe of dancers and put on a show.
     And they all got married happily to the ones they loved.  And that is the end of the story, children, because you know what happened after that because they all lived happily ever after.  

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