Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Story Of Somersetty by Joanne Morris Okano (Somersetty's mother)

     This is a make-believe story I wrote about Somerset, my fourth child.  Somersetty was fifteen, by the way, in this story.

     It all started one day when Somerset was playing with his brontosaurus in the yard.
      "Somersetty!"  called Somersetty's mother from inside the house.
     "Yes, mother?"  answered Somersetty.
     "Could you buy me some butter, please?  I've run out and I'm baking cookies today.  Please go to the store for me,"  said his mother.  She gave him some money.
      "Yes, mother," said Somersetty and went to the store with his brontosaurus for company.
     It was a hot day and Somersetty was tempted to buy an icecream for himself and the brontosaurus instead of the butter, but he was a good boy and went ahead  and bought the butter.
      Then he went home, you think, but no, he didn't.  He thought he'd have a bit of fun and he unpeeled the butter wrapper off from the butter, went up to the top of the hill and sat upon it.  The heat of the day melted the butter and pretty soon he was sliding down the hill.
     He took the remainder of the butter with the butter wrapper back to his mother with the brontosaurus and gave the butter to his mother, what was left of it.
     When he told his mother what had happened, she said,
     "I can't believe you did that, and I don't think I can bake cookies with this.  I'm probably going to need some more butter.  Do you think you can bring me the butter straight home this time, Somersetty?"
     "Yes, mother," said Somersetty.
     The brontosaurus sighed a happy sigh that said, "Finally, I'm going to get some cookies," and off they went. 
     They reached the store and this time they bought the butter and went straight home and mother baked some cookies for them.
     (They tasted wonderful by the way.)

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