Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Tale Of Niels And Crystal by J.M.Okano

     Niels was a man who earnt $60,000 a month and spent it on his bathwater (along with the usual things like a haircut and so on).  His favourite store was Body Silk Meanderings and he went there nearly every day looking for things to buy.  There he met Crystal the girl of his dreams.  He bought HenPeck Syrup for his bathwater so he smelled like a hen and she bought lavender water for hers.  They were made for each other.
     But, alas, an ugly man with a wart on his nose and his friend, if you can call him a friend, made off with Niels' takings and called him names.  These names were lies and made Niels feel very ashamed and worthless.  He gave up and went home instead of going out on his walk when he met the ugly man with the wart on his nose and his friend.  Not only that but the ugly man and his friend said ugly things about Crystal too.  Niels' hopes for a happy life were dashed temporarily he felt and he mistakenly thought, because of what was said, that Crystal, who had wowed him so much, was not a good person.
     "Oh, woe is me," he thought.  "How will I get out of this one.  I'm all in a tizzy."  And he cried for several days. 
     Finally he stopped crying and went to the store and bought Hen Peck Syrup and there she was.  She smiled at him and acted like nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  She was fine he noticed and not a bad person at all.  He realised that everything had been alright all along.  So don't believe everything you hear, children.  Niels and Crystal were still friends.  (They took their baths separately.)

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