Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Tale Of Troubled Waters, The Princess - Part Three (conclusion)

     But Troubled Waters wasn't old enough to know the difference between right and wrong and started, unfortunately, bamboozling others, having seen her father the evil wizard's example, and thinking as people usually do, that you should follow your parents' example.
     Enough of this, said the queen who was by nature usually a gentle person, and saw to it that Troubled Waters would never do that again.  The queen was put in a dungeon for this and ought to have known better but she cried - don't you think she cried, children?  No, she didn't cry at that time but instead painted murals on the wall of the dungeon.  Don't let them get you down, children, when people put you down is the moral of the story.
     Now for the happy ending:  the evil wizard went to prison for his bamboozling and Troubled Waters would have too, but she was too young when it happened to know the difference between right and wrong , so if that's the case they don't put you in prison for that.  She grew up to be a very fine person and her name became Shining Star.  She started a jewelry business, selling jewelry she'd made in her store.  Then she got married and had children and did not run away because her husband was kind.  And her mother was released from the dunggeon and sold her paintings at the market in Paris.  They saw lots of each other and they were very happy.


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