Friday, October 12, 2012

Gardening With Dmitri

     Dmitri lost his job at the bank on some account unknown to Pavel (it wouldn't be discussed at home anyway) and, after some perusement of the newspaper and the Web, found a job at the church patiently tending the grounds.  This was to his liking until he found out there were snails and slugs around.
     Oh, no!  he said and carried on as if nothing had happened, so it was worth it to him to work there because there wasn't anything he couldn't deal with.
     The members all halloed him as they passed by, although they didn't know what to make of him.  His day off consisted of a bottle of beer and a ketchup sandwich you think, but no, he was off beer, and the sandwich had meat in it and vegetables.  He had a tan from working outside and he meant well, but people didn't stop to talk to him  because they were on their way to meetings when they saw him (midweek meetings happen too at our church) but they weren't afraid.  He was a good gardener.
To Be Continued

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