Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Why I Like To Cook

     When I was a little girl my father invited me into the kitchen to learn to make Dutch pancakes and Indonesian food with him (he is Dutch-Canadian and Indonesia used to be a colony of the Netherlands).  My mother taught me to make fruit cake, scones and marmalade chicken.  When my oldest three children were young, as soon as they could stand on a chair I taught them to prepare food.  The floor might be covered in flour afterward, but they were so pleased.  My son was beaming with happiness when he accomplished a task.  My fourth child baked focaccia bread with me (his favourite) when he was thirteen and was so grateful to me for teaching him.  I gave the boys lessons in Family Home Evening on how to cook for their future wives!  Two of my teens did such a great job preparing Ratatouille and Sarah Cake that I told my seventeen-year-old he could get a job as a chef.

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