Saturday, October 13, 2012

Joanne Okano's Reader

     This is a reader to help children learn to read.

     This is dedicated to my Auntie Gwen.


Hundred Mile House is a great place.

Clinton is swimming.

The weaver is at her loom.

Art is good for the soul.

The toast is hot.  I like it with jam.

The farmer is growing cherries.
"Want to see a cherry farm, children?"  he says.

Paul is on the phone.  He is taking a pizza order.

Shoshana is playing her ukelele.  She is good at it.

The missionaries tracted my street today.  They wanted to talk to the people about God.


Sheron is feeding her chickens.  James is catching them.  He runs fast.

Maude is seated in the cockpit of her float plane.  The flight has just begun and she is in the air.

The horses are wearing blankets, it's so cold.  The pasture is white with frost. 
The Japanese are dancing the Dance of the Dead at the park.  It is a graceful dance.

We are in a hurry.  It is a long way to the ferry.  Come on road, don't be so long!

Mommy has gone to deliver the mail.

The canning jars are full of pickles.  
"I want one too, please."

The squirrel is running across the road.  I hope we don't hit it.

The B.C. Museum is an interesting place to go.

The raccoon is in the roof.  It has built a nest.  I hear it scurrying about.  We'll have to phone the S.P.C.A.

Sheila is wearing a purple outfit to her interview.  She hopes to get the job.

The Jews are at the synagogue.  They are having a festival, dancing.

Peter dazzles us, as usual, with his musical abilities.  Wow!  Can he play the horn!

Mom's making cabbage rolls for supper tonight.

The fish shop is open.  Yoshiko is selling fish.  She is happy.  Bobby is making sushi.

Lyle has cavities.  He must go to the dentist.

I am so happy to live in B.C.  I love the weather.  I love the mountains and the valleys and the sea.

The kind man took his child to the Pow-wow.


Stephen has his ham radio at the ready, to save everyone.

The heron looks so beautiful, I am aghast.

Rupinder has gone fishing.  Usually she drives a bus.  She is a bus driver for the school board.

The crew is doing a good job of paving the road.

Somerset is a good boy.  He is making breakfast so Mummy can go to church too.  He is flipping pancakes.  Mummy has to do her hair.  It takes a long time.  She uses hot irons.  Careful, don't scald yourself!

Grandpa made lunch for us of Chicken Calcutta.  Then we had fruit plate.  We put out the grapes, cantaloupe melon, strawberries, and pineapple on the plates.  Delicious!

Summer camp is in full swing.  The children are walking in a line along the sidewalk, singing.

The prairies are having an electric storm.  Heavy clouds gather.  The clouds burst.  Rain ensues.

"Father made stir-fry for dinner,"  said Karen.  "Wasn't that nice?"

Northern people take a long time to get to their appointments sometimes.  It all depends if there is a moose on the road.

The boats are bobbing on the sea.  The ocean liner is blaring its horn.  Sea breezes waft into shore.  I hope I go to sea when I get older.


The home schooling mother is in a good mood and so is the principal.  They have come to an agreement.
"I will come to your school to borrow books if you don't mind."
"No, not at all."

The family is having fun.  It is hilarious to be reading their Great-Grandpa's memoirs.
"I slid down the roof and tore off my britches!"  it says.  It gets funnier.  "Then Mom saw me and put me under the hose pipe, to get the soot off."

My mother says if I go north, I'll see the aurora borealis.  These are lights in the sky.

Granville Island is where I like to go most in B.C.  I wander round the shops, the market, and see the art and the view.  Many people go there.  There is a hubbub and I like that.

The little Mennonite school children are dancing at the seaside.  They are in a ring, their braids bobbing as they dance in their check dresses.


We are busy knitting and having a fun time of it, too, telling stories.  Baby clothes are fun to make.

The Japanese had to leave their belongings and go into internment camps.  It was very sad.  They came back after and started again.


I looked out the window.  The moon was in the sky, brightly shining.
"Hallo, hallo.  Where are the cattle tonight?"  said Father.
"In the canyon," I replied.
"Then we'll bed down for the night, after we have some supper," he said.  "What's for supper?"  he asked.
"I don't know why we're having beans again, but that's all there is.  Better make some biscuits," said Mama.

The skunk smells so bad that I have closed the cabin window.
"I wonder why skunks smell that way?"  I asked Mama.
"So they don't attract danger," she answered.
 "I don't want to know why they smell that way," said Wyatt.  "I just want them out of our range."
"Yes, dear," said Father.  "I know what you mean.  What shall we eat for supper?"
"Beans again!"

Everyone comes to earth with a gift.  Some don't know what it is yet.  Some are good listeners.  Some are good cooks.  Some are good at music.  Some are good at languages.  Some are good at caring for children.  Some are good at almost anything they do.  You know why?  Because they try hard.

The End

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